Sleeping Hollow (Not as scuffed edition)

This website is gonna be scuffed so dont expect anything fancy. Anyway below are some links to the specific classes and character creation. Click on the images below to access diffrent class pages.

Adept Class
Adepts are insightful, cunning, and know their subjects. They can reveal hidden truths and sluth out information not matter the situation.

Bandit Class
Bandits are your standard stealthy backstabbers who have a great amount of use in and out of combat.

Fighter class
Ranging from hatchet weilding maniacs and trained knight, fighters have lots of customization and damage.

Paldin class
Holy knights and humble acolytes. A paladin serves a holy order or vow.

Ranger class
Rangers are hunters and wanderers who have harnessed a part of nature into magic.

Scholar Class
Scholars are masters of the arcane, they can cast powerful spells at the cost of a rather low health pool.

Weaver Class
Weavers are powerful healers with access to powerful old magic.

behold art

Game Breakdown

Sleeping Hollow allows you to play as an insect or arachnid in a fantasy rpg setting. You will choose your character origin, race, and class and play your character from there. There is a wide variety of races to choose from such as moths, flies, and bettles. You can also play mages, healers, and knights of great reknown.

Core stats

There are 3 main stats that make up a character: Mind, Body, Senses. Mind is a characters awareness, intelligence and charisma. Body is physical power and endurance. Finally, senses is hand-eye coordination and reflexes.

You determine these stats by using the rolling method of four sets of 2d4 and chooseing the three highest totals. Alternativly is the base raise method which allows for a more average character with no negatives. Rolling low isnt bad either, there are special feature characters with particularly low stats can use in game.